The New And Improved Image Size Dialog Box In Photoshop CC

In this series of tutorials, we’ll learn how to resize images in Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud). We’ll start here with a quick overview of Photoshop CC’s newly redesigned Image Size dialog box, a welcome improvement over previous versions. Then, in the next tutorials, we’ll learn how to both resize and resample images, as well as the important difference between the two. We’ll also look at Photoshop CC’s image interpolation options, including a brand new one designed to keep our images looking crisp and sharp when we enlarge them, something previous versions of Photoshop have really struggled with.
Again, this tutorial, as well as the others in this series, are for Photoshop CC which requires a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud. If you’re using Photoshop CS6 or earlier, you’ll want to read our original How To Resize Images In Photoshop tutorial, as well as the other image resizing tutorials found in our Digital Photo Essentials section.
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