How to manually edit defaults plist files in Mavericks

The main preferences and settings-storage system in OS X is the "defaults," which saves values in binary- or ascii-encoded XML property lists. These are commonly seen in the user account's "Preferences" folder, but they exist in other locations and for other purposes in the OS.
The defaults for programs and system services are usually modified from within the program or OS settings panel, but common practice is to modify them by hand and then reload the relevant service or program to invoke the change. This can be done for standard settings, but is also useful for enabling hidden settings that Apple has implemented but provides no official setting for, such as moving the Dock to the corner of the display edge instead of being centered.
This type of setting can be invoked simply by running the relevant defaults command in Terminal to write it, followed by reloading the running program (like with the Dock). However, many defaults settings can be deeply nested structures that are too complex to create and manage using the standard defaults command.
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