How to Create a Flaming mouse trail using AS3

In this tutorial we will make a Mouse Trailer in the shape of a burning flame. We will use Actionscript 3 and the popular tweening engine, Tweenlite. Custom designed Mouse trails are pretty popular these days even though some might find them annoying. But they will fit perfectly in some Flash games and applications.
Step 1
I have prepared a simple fire ball in Photoshop that we have to import to Flash. Open Flash and make a new document in AS3. First we have to import our asset into library. Go to File/Import/Import to Stage and import the file named flameBall.png (you will find it in source files). Now convert it to MovieClip so we can interact with it via actionscript. Right Click on the fire ball and select Convert to Symbol and name it FlameBall. Don’t forget to Export it for Actionscript
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