Delete Facebook Accounts Fully If Its Hacked
You have been using your Facebook account for a few years and suddenly one morning you are unable to access it. After many attempts using your mail id and password, you are tired. You are just about ready to give up and forget it. But your conscience keeps itching and you are back on your computer trying to get into your Facebook account. This is when panic sets in.You wonder if your password is wrong and try various other combinations, none of them work.
You try accessing the Facebook account through your smart phone, but for some reason it don’t work. The next minute it asks you to login and once again the same issue crops up
You have asked your friends if anyone has changed the password and they all reply in Negative.
Suddenly one evening, you notice someone pretending to be you, leaving messages on others’ walls and pages. This is when the thought that perhaps someone has perhaps has hacked into your account. You send out an email to all your friends saying your account has been hacked and not to believe anything posted.
It is now time to delete your account and start fresh. But since you don’t remember your password, the only option left is to email Facebook and ask them to either delete your account or send you login details to delete the same.
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